In today’s world, people love visual content. In fact, they love it so much that statics show that 63% of consumers are more likely to buy a product or use a service based on social media posts from those products. That number increases by 94% if the product is posted through video and even 96% if it’s posted through an infographic.
This is where infographics and data visualizations come in. When you look at a timeline creator design, the image itself will almost certainly stick with your audience after they’ve seen it. This means that it’s up to you to give them something good to remember.
So how do you do that? Luckily, we can break timeline infographic design into 12 easy ways that will allow just about anyone to produce eye-popping images in no time flat:
1) Use A Margin To Separate The Sections Of Your Timeline Maker Design
One of the easiest ways to separate your timeline infographic design into eye-catching sections is to use a margin. The basic rule here is that everything on the right side should be somehow related to each other, while everything on the left doesn’t have any connection with what’s next.
2) Simplify Your Graphics To Make Them More Memorable
Just like in logo design, one of the best things you can do for your infographic images is keep it simple. Rather than trying to think about how you can show all 12 years of an event instead just focus on the big moments then show them using just two or three graphics if possible — that way they’ll be more memorable when people see them later on.
3) Use Fonts From The Same Family
One of the easiest ways to make your timeline infographic design more relateable is to use fonts from the same family. This allows them to flow together as they’re being viewed without too much effort from those who are looking at it. Just choose a font that goes along with everything else, then scale it accordingly so that you can fit all of the information you want on there.
Need some help with fonts? Then go to Venngage, the top infographics maker app on the web!
4) Give Your Online Timeline Maker Infographic Its Own Personality
Just like any other art form, infographic graphics should have their own personality. If people can’t tell what kind of vibe they were going for right off the bat then most likely people will skip over it and move on to something else rather quickly. Engage your audience by making sure they know what they can expect from your infographic, and they’ll be more likely to stick around.
5) Illustrate Your Points With Graphics When Possible
One of the biggest mistakes most people make with timeline infographic design is that they spend a lot of time on things like word bubbles when they could have been better spent illustrating their points with graphics. While it’s easier to show what you’re trying to say with words, using a graphic will put your point right in front of the viewer instead of waiting for them to read through everything first.
6) Use Colors That Will Stand Out With Your Visual Timeline Creator
Of course, no matter what you do it won’t stand out if there’s so much going on behind the scenes that nobody bothers looking at it. This means that you should use colors that will stand out and make your infographic more memorable. You can accomplish this by keeping the color wheel in mind — for example, reds and oranges always look good together since they’re on opposite sides of the wheel.
7) Make Your Simple Timeline Maker Design Longer Than It Is Wide
There’s a reason why people love infographics so much, and it goes beyond just being able to recycle their data into something fun instead of boring. Simply put, humans are used to following horizontal lines with their eyes when looking at images — they’re not as comfortable following vertical ones. This means that you should use diagonal lines whenever possible just to keep things interesting for them.
8) Don’t Forget About The Title!
Finally, one of the easiest ways to make your timeline infographic design more memorable is by not forgetting about the title. The first thing that people are going to notice when they see it is what’s written at the top, so you should be sure that it says something important about whatever it is you’re trying to say.
9) Don’t Forget About The Call To Action
Just like with every other piece of infographic design out there, people should leave it with a call to action at the end. If they don’t know what they can do next then there’s no point in even creating this infographic for them — make sure that you give them something of value before asking them to contact you or do something else of value for your company.
10) Make Sure Your Data Is Solid
If you’re going to create an infographic then you need some kind of data that goes along with it, whether that’s new product security information or just informative news articles.
The problem is that most companies forget to double-check their sources so they pass on bad information that nobody needs. Have a friend read over your timeline infographic design and make sure they don’t notice any obvious errors before you publish it to the world.
These ten steps should help you make a timeline creator design that stands out from the rest of the crowd. Even if you’re not a professional designer, these tips can help you create a great piece of infographic design that people will love to look at and share with their friends on social media sites.