Workers’ compensation is a system in place in the United States and many other countries that help protect employees if they are injured or become ill due to their job. It also protects employers from being sued by employees who have suffered an injury or illness.
Some states allow employees to sue their employers if they feel that their injury or illness was due to negligence by the employer. However, some states have laws that protect employers from such lawsuits. For example, Arizona carefully states that the exemption is only for sole proprietors working for an employer with workers’ compensation insurance.
This blog will discuss how workers’ compensation works and how workers’ comp keeps everyone out of financial trouble.
What is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is essentially a system of insurance that benefits employees injured or who become ill due to their work. Benefits from the compensation can include medical expenses, income replacement, and death benefits. Workers’ compensation is typically mandatory in most jurisdictions, meaning employers must provide coverage for their employees.
Two main types of workers’ compensation systems are state-run and privately run. In the United States, most states have a state-run workers’ compensation system, while a few states have privatized their system. State-run plans are usually funded through taxes on employers, while privately-run systems may be funded through premiums paid by employers or other means.
For example, The division of Federal Employees’ Compensation adjudicates new claims and manages any ongoing cases. It helps pay medical expenses and compensation benefits to injured workers and survivors.
Why Should a Business Owner Purchase Workers Compensation Insurance?
If you are a business owner or you run a small company, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your employees. So here are some ways workers’ comp keeps everyone out of financial trouble.
1) It Helps Avoid Legal Trouble
Most workers’ comp death claims are traffic accidents that occur when the employee is in a work vehicle.
An employee can sue you if they get hurt at work, and you don’t have workers’ compensation insurance. If you’re at fault, you will be responsible for their medical bills and any wages they lose while they cannot work.
In some states, it’s actually against the law not to have this type of coverage. So not only could you be sued, but you could also face criminal charges.
2) Your Employees are More Productive
Workers’ compensation insurance can help your employees stay productive by covering the costs of their medical care and missed work.
Injured employees with this coverage can focus on getting better instead of worrying about how they will pay their bills. They also know the insurance will compensate them if they get hurt at work. This peace of mind can lead to happier and more productive employees.
3) It Can Help You Avoid Lawsuits
If one of your employees gets hurt or suffers from any injury on the job and you don’t have workers’ compensation insurance, that employee could sue you. However, a lawsuit can be costly, both in terms of the money you may have to pay out and the time and energy it will take to defend yourself.
Whether you’re an employee who was hurt on the job or an employer worried about a potential lawsuit, workers’ compensation is there to help. By keeping employees out of financial trouble and limiting employers’ liability, this system helps protect everyone involved in the workplace.