About the lucky wheel

The lucky wheel is a way to earn points in the game. There are various prizes on the lucky wheel including consumable items, cosmetic items, and weapons. The free spin of the lucky wheel will be available for 24 hours and after that, you’ll have to pay for the spin using your tokens. You can use an emoji in the comments section to get extra spins. There are a total of 16 different rewards on the lucky wheel

The lucky wheel is a way to earn points in the game

The lucky wheel is a way to earn points in the game. You can get coins, gems, or other rewards by spinning them. You can also earn points by completing missions, challenges, and quests.

There are various prizes, including consumables, cosmetics, and weapons

-There are various prizes on the lucky wheel including consumable items, cosmetic items, and weapons. Consumable items are items that can be used once and then disappear. Some examples of consumable item prizes are potions and magical scrolls. Cosmetic items are items that can be used to change the appearance of your character. An example of a cosmetic item is a wig or helmet for your head (or some other body part). Weapons are items that can be used to attack other players in-game with no limits as long as you have enough energy points left over after each use!

-Some prizes are rarer than others so grab them while you can!

The free rotation of the lucky wheel will last for 24 hours

The free spin of the lucky wheel will be available for 24 hours and after that, you’ll have to pay for the spin using your tokens. You can earn tokens by playing the game. If you run out of tokens, then you can purchase more using real money.

You may find it helpful to know the following things:

-The free spin will only be available on certain days at certain times

-You can get more information about when and where from our blog

You can use an emoji in the comments section to get extra spins

You can use an emoji in the comments section to get extra spins. You can use the following emojis:

-Smile emoji

-Heart emoji

-Fire emoji

-Thumbs up emoji

-Thumbs down emoji

There are a total of 16 different rewards on the lucky wheel

There are a total of 16 different rewards on the lucky wheel. The rewards are split into four categories: permanent, temporary, consumable, and cosmetic.

Permanent rewards are those that can be used for an unlimited number of times without having to pay for them again (such as level-ups) or bought with Gems after use (such as lives). Temporary rewards are consumable items that will disappear after a certain amount of time passes. Consumable items include health packs and coins while coins can also be obtained by watching ads or paying real money in some cases. Cosmetic items include new clothing and accessories.

Some cool rewards

The wheel is a fun way of getting rewards on the app. It’s great to use when you want to be entertained and have some fun, too.

You can spin the wheel by using emojis, which will give you free spins on the wheel. You can also spin it by using tokens, which are earned through playing games or watching videos in the app. The spinning wheel has 16 different categories of rewards in total!


With all of that said, if you want to play the lucky wheel there are a few things to keep in mind. First off, make sure you’ve got tokens saved up so that when it comes time for the spin you aren’t stuck waiting for more than an hour before getting another chance. Secondly, be sure not to spend all your time trying to get good prizes since they’re not going anywhere anytime soon! If anything I’d just recommend playing casually now and then until something catches your eye or maybe even just enjoy some fun chats with other players while they wait their turn too 🙂 Good luck!

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