Sharing your IOS on Telegram(Telegram苹果版) and creating an avatar through the Animator app on macOS is possible. In this article, I will explain how to do this by sharing some links.
IOS share on Telegram using your account
Open a new message in Telegram for iOS and tap the arrow icon to begin typing.
Tap one of the emoji icons above the text box, such as “happy”, “sad”, or “laughing”.
Tap on an icon to copy it into the text field, where you can then use it as a sticker (iMessage only), add an emoji reaction, send it as is or use it within a chat thread when replying to someone else’s message (Android only).
External sharing of IOS
Sharing IOS apps on Telegram is simple.
The steps are as follows:
Log in to your Telegram account.
Click the Settings icon, located in the bottom-right corner of your screen and represented by three horizontal lines stacked on top of one another.
Click on “Apps” from the list that appears, which will open up a new menu for app management within Telegram’s settings menu; navigate this menu until you see “iOS App Sharing” or “Android App Sharing” (you may also notice that some older versions of Telegram don’t offer any options for sharing iOS or Android apps).
Select an app from the list provided (or tap “Choose File” if you’d like to select a different file type), then click Share once you’ve selected it—a notification should pop up when the process is complete!
Share to telegram via IOS a message
Share to telegram via IOS a message.
In the app Settings, click on the Telegram(电报) icon and scroll down to Sharing. You can change options for a message or photo that you want to share with your friends. Click on Customize your sharing preferences (cogwheel icon). Here you will find a group of settings related to what you share with others, how it appears in their chat or stories section, and how long it remains visible there.
Other discussion links:
Other discussion links:
The Animator app on macOS
First, you will need to connect your Animator app to Telegram via IOS. This can be done by going to the settings tab on your Animator app and selecting “Connect” from there. If this is your first time using Animator, it will ask for permission through an alert box before allowing you to proceed.
After connecting with Telegram, you’ll be able to create animated avatars that can then be shared with others via messaging apps like WhatsApp or even Facebook Messenger if they use Telegram as well (which is quite popular among many users).
Animation avatar creator on MacOS
The animation avatar creator is a free app to create avatars for yourself and your friends. It’s very easy to use and you can share it with anyone, including family, colleagues, and boss.
Make an animated avatar
To make an animated avatar, you will need:
A computer
The animation software you downloaded earlier (it’s called ZTXT)
Here’s how to get started!
Open up the ZTXT program on your computer and click on “File” in the top left corner. There should be three options under this menu; select “Import Image” from the first one to open up a window where you can import your desired image into the program. You can either use an existing picture that is already stored on your computer or take one using your webcam or phone camera by clicking on “Take Photo with Device Camera” in this same window. Once imported, the image will appear in a box at the bottom right-hand side of ZTXT’s main screen (and it will probably be too big for our purposes). To resize this box so that its contents fit within it more easily and neatly, go back over to File > Import Image again and choose “Scale” from this list instead of “Import Image”. This will allow us to scale up our picture without losing quality as long as we don’t go above 100%. If necessary, adjust both dimensions until they’re roughly equal (we used 300×300).
We hope that the content of this text is useful for you. We have tried to explain all the steps in detail and make them easy to understand.