If you are asking the question that is there any specific verse in the Quran which is saying to you that you should not drink alcohol and it is forbidden. Actually if you are going to see the whole Quran then you will find that there is no specific name of the alcohol in the Quran but if you are talking about the intoxicants, then it is totally prohibited in Islam.
“O you who believe! Intoxicants, games of chance, sacrifices to idols and divination by arrows are a loathsome evil of Satan’s doing; so turn wholly away from it so that you may prosper.” (Al Quran # 5:90)
As you can see in the above verse that the intoxicants are the work of the evil. If you want to prosper in the eyes of Allah then you should leave it all together. You can see that intoxicants are mentioned along with sacrificing to idols and other games which are perceived very easy and very small but they in reality they are the work of the evil. So if the other things are haram in the eyes of the Quran then why should we make the excuses in terms of the alcohol?
The product of evil
Even if you are not able to understand this verse being saying to you that alcohol is forbidden still you can understand that, this is the product of the evil as you can see in the whole globe that whoever is drinking the alcohol is source of problem for the whole world. The person who drinks alcohol is not in his mind and that is why whatever he does he does not considered crime or even if it is considered crime the output happens which can’t be reversed. And if you are the true Muslim you know that whatever leads to the bad thing is always haram in the eyes of the Islam.
For example if you see that this road is going to the bad destination then no matter how beautiful this road looks it is going to lead you to bad output. So why would we make the excuses in this regard when in reality the intoxicants are always haram in the eyes of the Quran and that includes alcohol and other things.
[[[(2/219) they ask you about wine and gambling. Say, “In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.” And they ask you what they should spend. Say, “The excess [beyond needs].” Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought.]]]
Greater Sin than the benefit
Its sad after knowing from Online Quran Academy that some people justify drinking alcohol. You should know that if you are the drinker of the alcohol then maybe you will justify drinking the alcohol but in reality it is nothing but the great sin. Some people say that in drinking the alcohol you find the relaxation and maybe some benefits for the health but as the Quran says above that their might be some benefit but the sin is greater than the benefit.
If you are the thoughtful person then you will be able to spend some time on this thing and you will be able to understand that some people might benefit from it but in reality it is the bad thing and it is the great sin and you should be as far away from this thing as possible. Any game of chance any sacrificing to the idols any intoxicants are haram in the eyes of the Islam and there is no excuses and alternatives for that.