Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps. Telegram users can send messages and media to friends, groups, and channels for free. Telegram is also highly secure, which makes it a good choice if you need a secure messaging app for sensitive conversations. In addition to sending messages, you can share screenshots of your iPhone or iPad screen with other people on Telegram(Telegram汉语版). This article will show you how to do this:
Open the Telegram app
Open the Telegram app(电报APP) on your device by tapping its icon on the home screen or recent tray, depending on your phone’s operating system.
Tap the search bar at the bottom of any page and start typing “@”, which is a symbol that represents any user in Telegram.
Type their name or username into the search bar and select their name from among those that appear to send them a message (or get started adding them as a contact).
Tap on a message you wish to share
Tap on the message you wish to share.
A menu will appear with options for Messages, emojis, and More. Tap on Share Message.
Tap on the three dots to open a menu
Tap on the three dots to open a menu.
Tap on share message.
You can share the message with friends and family, or anyone else for that matter!
Tap on Share Message
Sharing a message is simple.
Tap on Share Message.
Choose one of the following:
App to share the message to another app on your device.
Device to share the message with another device that’s signed in to your iCloud account or Apple ID.
Users to share a message with any user who has Telegram installed and set up an account using their phone number instead of an email address (for example, if they don’t have an email address). If several users match this condition, tap Next and select the appropriate person from a list that appears; you can also send them a link for them to install Telegram if they don’t have it yet. These links expire after 60 minutes so you’ll need access again after that period has passed!
Share telegram messages with friends and family
You can share a telegram message with friends and family through another app.
Go to the Settings menu, then select “Chats.” After that, tap “Forwarding” in the list of options. Start by entering the recipient’s phone number or username, then choose how you want to send your message. You can select between SMS text messaging or an email address. Once you’ve done so, click on “Send.”
Telegram is a fantastic way to keep in touch with friends and family. It can help you stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the world around you, and it also helps you make new connections with people who share your interests or passions. With all these benefits, it’s not surprising that there are so many people using Telegram every day!