Telegram has always focused on the importance of speed and security, making it the fastest messaging app on the market. With this new update, Telegram(Telegram中文) is taking things a step further by allowing users to send large files up to 1.5GB in size. This feature is especially useful while sharing videos and documents including high-resolution images. The update also includes a new video streaming option which will allow users to play larger video files directly from their browsers or chats without downloading them.”
Pay attention to speed and safety
Telegram has always focused on the importance of speed and security, making it the fastest messaging app on the market. This is because of its use of the MTProto protocol which allows users to send messages faster than any other platform in existence. Telegram also uses end-to-end encryption, meaning that no one but you and your recipient can read messages you exchange with them.
This makes Telegram a great option for businesses looking to keep their communication secure, but also easy to use at the same time — no complicated setup required! The app is free across all platforms and offers additional features such as:
Secret chats (end-to-end encrypted)
Channels (for broadcasting messages)
The messaging app has now made an upgrade to the upload limit
If you are uploading a large file, you can check if the file size is more than 4GB by going to File>Check Upload Limit.
The new update also brings a bunch of other new features such as:
Support for animated GIFs and videos
A new option to report spam in private chats, channels, or groups
A new update to telegram allows users to send large files
The new update allows users to send large files. So much so that you can send any file up to 1.5GB in size. This makes it the largest file size that any messaging app allows you to send and receive.
In addition, Telegram(Telegram安装) has also added a new feature that lets users preview Android apps on their desktop computer before installing them on their phone or tablet. This means now you don’t have to go through every application manually as Telegram will display its description and screenshots right on your computer screen so that it becomes easier for you to decide whether or not an app is worth downloading onto your device! If this sounds like something worth checking out then make sure to head over here where they’ll provide some more details including how exactly this works!
Share videos and documents
Telegram allows you to share large files, high-resolution images, videos, and documents. The new feature will be especially useful for sharing large files such as photos or videos that take a long time to upload on Telegram.
Telegram’s new system also allows the app to send messages faster than ever before. According to Telegram, this feature is especially useful while sharing videos and documents including high-resolution images.
Video streaming options
In addition to the 4GB upload limit and faster speed, the update also includes a new video streaming option that will allow users to play larger video files directly from their browsers or chats without downloading them. This is a great feature for people who want to share large files with their friends, but don’t have enough space on their devices to store them. This feature is available on both Android and iOS devices
For Android and IOS devices
The latest update for Telegram is available for both Android and iOS devices. You can download it from the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, or Telegram website.
You can now upload large files easily on telegram
To send and receive large files on Telegram, you can use the latest version of the app. Currently, it is 4.8.7 for Android and 0.0 for iOS.
You can also upload or download streams in better quality with a new feature called “Streaming Speed,” which allows you to view videos at a higher frame rate than before.
It’s not just about sending large files, but also about seeing them in great detail!