Cleaning the trash off their grills seems completely alien to the stories of the restaurant rescue reality TV series. If you have run a restaurant before, you should be aware of the importance of cleaning oil traps. Even if the obvious health risks are ignored, there are a number of safety issues. Trapped grease and oils can clog a drain system and cause wastewater to enter the sewer and even into your own kitchen. This can lead to huge financial losses in the form of fines, property damage and possible legal action. Here are some tips for keeping your service grease trap and safe to avoid these risks.
First, pay attention to the oil level in your trap.
Use a small wooden stick or ruler to see the height of the level. Tracking this data will help you see when you’re dealing with a potentially serious bottleneck. If there is a major blockage, skip the steps below and seek professional help. After measuring and recording, the water accumulated in the tank is removed. Put the water in a bucket or trash can and pour it down the drain when you’re done cleaning. Then use a small bucket or glass to remove as much of the dirt as possible. Put all solid waste in a tight, sturdy garbage bag.
By cleaning it this way, you can effectively remove all the dirt.
Then you can throw the scraped waste into the garbage bag or use a wet/dry vacuum cleaner. After scraping off all possible dirt, scrub the entire grease trap and disinfect everything. Use a steel bowl washer and hot water to ensure all dirt is removed. Also add soap to the water to remove bad odors. It is recommended that you flush the siphon several times and clean your washer between washes. If possible, remove your grease trap at this stage to thoroughly clean each surface. After a long brushing, rinse everything with room temperature water. Make sure all oil, grease, dirt and soap is completely removed. After taking the trap apart, allow each piece to dry completely before putting it back together.
Following these steps regularly will not only keep your drain system free of dangerous clogs
, but you will also extend the life of your trap and keep your kitchen staff happy and healthy. While this process alone is sufficient to solve any major problem, you should have your kitchen professionally cleaned with a grease trap at least once a year.
If you normally pour oily water down the drain,
you may suffer from clogged drains. These can be very expensive compared to the paid plumbing bill. Large amounts of oil discharged into sewage systems from homes, drainage systems, restaurants and similar establishments can cause clogging. This is why oil retention inhibitors are necessary in such businesses. Small-scale prevention can also be installed in homes.
The main sources of grease in restaurants are daily cooking and washing exercises.
Using the cap, you can catch the oil and store it for reuse. If this is not possible, the oil can still be disposed of properly. Because different restaurant kitchens have different requirements, there are different types of traps to choose from. Choosing the right one is important for the kitchen to run cleanly and efficiently. The different types have both advantages and limitations. For example, the automatic cleaning unit helps to remove oil particles from the water that drains from the cleaning area of the pan or dishwasher. Once the oil is recovered, it is stored next to the dishwasher. With automatic devices, restaurant staff can empty it daily. for more information visit our website